Saturday 20 January 2018

Man kiiled after buying pizza from fast food shop

Paul Mathieson was killed after being found with serious head and facial injuries on Wilson Street in Renfrew.
The 37-year-old was taken to hospital in a critical condition but later died on Saturday. Officers are treating his death as murder.

Mr Mathieson bought a pizza from a nearby fast food shop before the attack at 1.10am on Sunday.
Detective chief inspector Martin Fergus said: "From our inquiries so far, we know that Mr Mathieson was the victim of a sustained and brutal attack by one man and that he died as a result of his injuries.
"Mr Mathieson, who is quite well known in the Renfrew area, had been out for the night and was heading home after buying a pizza from a nearby fast food shop, when, from CCTV, he is seen talking to another man, in Wilson Street.
"Then, for some unknown reason, the man attacks him, punching him to the ground and striking him several times before making off towards Houston Street.
"Unfortunately, Mr Mathieson lay for some time before he is found by a member of the public who called the emergency services."
Mr Mathieson was in nearby pubs before the attack.
The chief inspector added: "We have traced a number of people who were seen in the area on CCTV, and although their information has assisted our enquiry, we have still to trace the man responsible.
"We need to trace Mr Mathieson's movements that night and speak to those who may have seen him about.
"He was in the Kind Man's pub in Hairst Street and the Western bar on Main Street, Renfrew, earlier in the night and then popped in to a takeaway near his home to get something to eat.
"Renfrew Town Centre would have been busy at that time, so did you see him out and about then or have you any information that may help us trace the man responsible for his murder?"
He continued: "As I said, this was a sustained and brutal attack which would seem unprovoked and I am appealing to anyone who can help us catch his killer to get in touch with police as soon as possible.
"Additional officers will be in Renfrew Town Centre tonight, particularly around Houston Street and the surrounding area, speaking to people there to see if they can remember seeing or hearing anything that may assist officers with their investigation."

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