Tuesday 28 November 2017



  Image result for tundu lissu

Seconds after two armed men leapt from a car that had been following Tundu Lissu for three weeks, the Tanzanian opposition leader was being thrown to the floor by his driver as they sought to survive a hail of bullets. “All hell broke loose,” says Mr Lissu, chief whip of the Chadema party.

 “I have been told, because I couldn’t count, that 38 bullets hit my car and out of those something like 16 hit me.” Speaking in his first interview since the attack outside his flat in the capital Dodoma in September, Mr Lissu, one of the most vocal critics of the government, believes he was the target of an assassination attempt. And he blames president John Magufuli, alleging that it is evidence of what the opposition leader describes as a campaign to turn “the country into a dictatorship”.

 “He [Magufuli] wants to crush the political parties, crush the press, crush organised civil society and the trade union and silence the church,” Mr Lissu told the Financial Times in Kenya, where he is receiving medical treatment. 
“Every independent centre of power should be made to comply with the demands of the big man.” Assassinations are rare in the east African nation and the president described the attack on Mr Lissu as “barbaric”. 
The police have announced no progress in the investigation despite the attack taking place in a ​compound that Mr Lissu says was equipped with CCTV. Hassan Abbas, a government spokesman, says Mr Lissu’s allegations are “misplaced”.

 “If anyone, including Mr Lissu, has any further evidence let him share [it] with investigators,” Mr Abbas says. “Tanzania is known for its unmatched peaceful and democratic political processes which are conducted according to the laws.” But the allegations against the president come as he faces mounting criticism for stifling democratic debate. Zitto Kabwe, leader of the opposition Alliance for Change and Transparency party, was arrested four weeks ago for questioning official macroeconomic statistics; the electoral commission has banned discussion of national issues during campaigning for 43 council by-elections on Sunday; and four newspapers have been shut in recent months for criticising the president.

 “By his own admission [Mr Magufuli] doesn’t believe in multi-party democracy,” Mr Kabwe says. “He sees parties as annoyances, including his own party. He wants to rule with no encumbrances. He prefers to rule in an autocratic way.” The motive for the attack on Mr Lissu was “to keep us quiet”, Mr Kabwe adds. Mr Magufuli, whose nickname is “The Bulldozer”, came to power two years ago promising to stamp out ​endemic corruption and drive economic growth. He has been widely praised, including by Mr Lissu, for clamping down on graft but strongly criticised for what his opponents say are autocratic tendencies. Mr Lissu, who has been charged six times this year — including with sedition — after criticising Mr Magufuli, says he survived the shooting because the bullets missed his torso and “hit me on the backside big time”. He has had 12 operations and is still bed-ridden but can sit up. 
 “He’s managed to ​beat us up real bad,” he says, referring to the president’s crackdown on dissent. “The way Magufuli is, his temperament, his personality, his recent actions, he’s turning the country into a dictatorship. Tundu Lissu says he was shot 16 times © AFP “But we have one ace; he’s so good at making enemies. He’s made enemies with everyone. And we can use this against him.” Mr Lissu says the opposition was also benefiting from “Magunomics”, his description for the president’s economic policies. “He’s trying to take us back to the 1960s, 70s and 80s when the government would control every productive activity,” says Mr Lissu, who is also president of the Tanganyika Law Society. 
“The private sector has suffered so much under him.” The highest profile target has been Acacia Mining, the London-listed company that was fined $190bn for alleged underpaid tax. Akiko Dangote, Africa’s richest man who has built a cement plant in Tanzania, accused Mr Magufuli last month of scaring away investors. The World Bank echoed that sentiment. This month the bank called on the government to “urgently implement measures to enable and encourage the private sector to play a more significant role in Tanzania’s development”. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2017. All rights reserved. 
Source: in Nairobi

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